Natural Hazards Monitoring - 23 June 2023

Severe weather  

On 23 June 2023, the Chile Ministry of the Interior and Civil Protection (SENAPRED per its acronym in Spanish) published information on the frontal system that has been developing in the central-southern region of the country. The Valparaíso region was affected, causing road closures and water cuts. In municipalities of the Metropolitan Region, evacuations due to flooding and overflowing were reported. In the sector of San Alfonso, in the commune of San José de Maipo, 750 people were evacuated due to the risk of flooding. Meanwhile, in the O'Higgins region, evacuations were also reported due to flooding in Rengo, Coltauco, Rancagua, Doñihue, San Fernando, Placilla, and Machalí, as well as the suspension of classes in educational establishments used as shelters. The reports is available from: SENAPRED
El Salvador 
On 23 June 2022, the El Salvador Civil Defense, provided information on the heavy rains in the metropolitan region of San Salvador, El Salvador. According to the information, 3 families were evacuated in the community of El Granjero. The government has opened 100 shelters to support the affected people nationwide, of which, 23 were opened in San Salvador. Media has reported that as of 22 June there were 100 families from 6 districts of San Salvador being sheltered. The reports are available at: Protección Civil de El Salvador 1, Protección Civil de El Salvador 2, Protección Civil de El Salvador 3, Protección Civil de El Salvador 4 and El Mundo