Natural Hazards Monitoring - 21 February 2023


Severe weather  


On 21 February 2023, according to Civil Protection of São Paulo State, Brazil, heavy rains reported on the North coast of the state during over the weekend caused the deaths of 46 persons, displaced 2,496 people. In addition, the State Department of Health has reported in the Hospital Regional do Litoral Norte, a total of 25 victims (19 adults and six children) have been tended to, among which, seven are in critical condition and 14 are stable condition. Efforts to reestablish the water supply systems on the North Coast and Baixada Santista are ongoing. Currently, in São Sebastião and Ilhabela, a total of 31 tanker trucks are supplying potable water to the affected areas. The report is available at: Defesa Civil de São Paulo



Chile (Update)

On 20 February 2023, according to a National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED per its acronym in Spanish) update regarding the the wildfires in the south-central zone of the country, a total of 3,034 affected persons and 25 deaths have been reported. Currently, a total of 260 wildfires remains active (52 less since previous report), of these, 164 are under control (10 less since the previous report). Overall, a total of 1,985 homes have been destroyed (684 additional homes destroyed since the prior report). Shelters are housing 324 people (26 less since the previous report). The report is available at: SENAPRED


Cold wave

Guatemala (Update)

On 20 February 2023, according to a Guatemala National Coordination System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED per its acronym in Spanish) update regarding the cold wave affecting the country, during the cold season, a total of 3,870 people have received attention in the 10 shelters opened by the Government throughout the country. As of 20 February, 82 people were sheltered in government shelters, of which 33 were in the Department of Huehuetenango, 45 in Guatemala, and 4 in Totonicapán. The report is available at: CONRED