Natural Hazards Monitoring 14 February 2023


Severe weather  


On 13 February 2023, the Civil Protection of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, provided information regarding heavy rains in the state. According to the report, from 1 December 2022 to 13 February 2023, there were 249 rain related incidents, 8,547 people sheltered, and 25 deaths. There are 36 municipalities in the state on alert. The report is available at: Defesa Civil de São Paul


On 13 February 2023, the Ecuador Risk Management Department provided information regarding heavy rains in the country. Since 1 January 2023, 171 incidents have been reported in 68 cantons of the country due to heavy rains. The most affected provinces are Pichincha, Guayas, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Zamora Chinchipe, Napo, and Los Ríos. Overall, 45 people and 161 homes have been affected and 5 deaths reported. The report is available at: Gestion de riesgos Ecuador