Natural Hazards Monitoring - 12 November 2021


Severe Weather  


On 11 November, the Administrative Department of Risk Management of Antioquia (DAGRAN as per its acronym in Spanish) reported that heavy rainfall has caused landslides affecting the municipalities of Buriticá, Cañasgordas, and Amagá. In Buriticá, landslides cut off access to aqueduct services for 1,473 families from 19 urban neighborhoods and the Los Arados, Siara, and Bubará villages. In addition, the entry way to Buriticá has been obstructed, work has begun in clearing the area, and water has been distributed to those affected. According to media reports, in Amagá, heavy rains, floods, and landslides, have affected 9 villages and 20 houses. Due to the 2021 rainy season in the department of Antioquia, 487 weather events have occurred which have caused 20 deaths, including 5 minors. The reports are available at: DAGRAN 1DAGRAN 2, and Minuto 30.