Natural Hazards Monitoring - 12 June 2024

Severe weather

Chile (Update)

On 12 June 2024, the Chile Ministry of the Interior and Civil Protection (SENAPRED per its acronym in Spanish) published information on the severe weather in the regions of Biobio, La Araucanía, Los Ríos, and Ñuble. In the region of Biobio, 480 people were directly impacted (467 increase since the 11 June report) and 1,463 homes were affected (1,038 increase). In the region of La Araucanía, 172 people are without communication and 17 homes were affected. In the region of Los Ríos, four people were directly impacted (two increase). In the Region of Ñuble, 21 homes were affected. The report is available from: SENAPRED