Natural Hazards Monitoring - 11 July 2023

Severe weather  

United States of America (Update)

On 11 July 2023, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), published updated information on the heavy rains in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the country. According to the information in the state of New York, one death was reported and one shelter was opened with 11 occupants. Additionally, over 1,000 flights were cancelled. In the state of Vermont, 18 shelters were opened with 179 occupants, 25-30 roads were closed, and the bus services were suspended in Washington County. The Emergency Operations Center was activated in the state of Vermont. The report is available from: FEMA

Peru (Update)

As of 11 July 2023, the Peru Civil Protection (INDECI per its acronym in Spanish), published updated information on the heavy rains affecting several departments in Peru. Additionally, the department of Lambayeque reported 104 health care facilities were affected (23 increase since the 6 June report).

The detailed reports are available from: INDECI-Amazonas-11APRINDECI-Áncash-6JunINDECI-Apurímac-14MayINDECI-Apurímac-7JulyINDECI-Arequipa-27APRINDECI-Aycacucho-4MayINDECI-Cajamarca-8MayINDECI-Cusco-28APRINDECI-Huancavelica-31MayINDECI-Huánuco-12MayINDECI-Ica-16JuneINDECI-La Libertad-29APRINDECI-Lambayeque-6JunINDECI-Lambayeque-5July, INDECI-Lima-6MayINDECI-Pasco-14APRINDECI-PIURA-19Jun,  INDECI-Puno-15MayINDECI-San Martín-29MayINDECI-Tumbes-8May and INDECI-Ucayali-14APR.