Natural Hazards Monitoring - 10 June 2022


Severe Weather  

Colombia (Update)  

On 10 June, the Colombia National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD per its acronym in Spanish) reported that 862 events related to the rainy season affected 412 municipalities in 28 departments affecting 93,274 people. In addition, 79 fatalities were reported, 91 people were injured, and 10 people remain missing. More than 15,818 houses sustained damage and 383 houses were destroyed. In total, 705 road points, 71 vehicular bridges, 37 pedestrian bridges, 83 aqueducts, 35 sewers, 7 health centers, and 107 educational institutions were affected. The report is available at: UNGRD.  



United States of America (Update)  

On 10 June, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reported that the Hermit’s Peak fire has burned 319,579 acres and is 66% contained. The number of mandatory evacuations has reduced to 318 residents and there remain 26,940 residents under voluntary evacuation orders. In total 12,328 houses are threatened, 27 houses and 50 structures sustained damage, and 432 houses and 448 structures were destroyed. A total of 133 injuries and illnesses related to the wildfire were reported. The report is available at: FEMA.  



Severe Weather  

Mexico (Update)  

On 10 June, according to a media report, due to the passage of Hurricane Agatha, 28,000 houses, 25,134 families, and 141 schools were affected. In total, there were 9 deaths related to Hurricane Agatha and 5 people remain missing. There were 31 municipalities that were affected, and comprehensive damage assessments are ongoing. The report is available at: Inofrmador.Mx.