Natural Disasters Monitoring - September 21, 2020

Official Sources:

Severe Weather 
Guatemala (Update)

On 21 September 2020, the Guatemala National Coordinator for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED) provided an update regarding the rainy season impact in Guatemala. Per the update, 1,359,492 people were affected (an increase of 154,034 since the last report on 14 September), 4,800 were injured (an increase of 305), and 8,651 were evacuated (an increase of 127). Additionally, 2,486 homes were moderately damaged, 286 homes were severely damaged, and 217 highways were affected. The report is available in Spanish at: CONRED.

Volcanic activity

On 20 September 2020, the Ecuador Geophysics Institute reported that the Sangay volcano, located in the Cordillera Real, Morona Santiago Province, registered a significant increase in volcanic activity, including several strong explosions and ash emissions (greater than 6Km up to 10Km above the volcano's crater). The report indicated a high probability of ash fall in the provinces of Chimborazo, Bolívar, Guayas, and Los Ríos. Ash falls were reported in the following cantons of Chimborazo Province: Alausí, Cumandá, Pallatanga, Chunchi, Guamote, as well as nearby communities. According to the Ecuador Integrated Security Service (ECU911), ash falls were reported in 32 cantons of country. The risk assessment is ongoing. Additionally, visual representation of the areas affected by the volcano can be found at the PAHO interactive map of Natural Hazards in the Americas. The reports are available in Spanish at: IG, ECU911, Servicio Integrado de ECU.

Unofficial Sources:

Severe Weather 

On 21 September 2020, media reported heavy rain and an overflow of rivers affecting the Tovar, Mariño, and Sucre municipalities, Aragua State, Venezuela, where communities and roads flooded. An overflow of the Aragua River in La Carpiera de Cagua in Sucre municipality affected several households and major roads. The report is available in Spanish at: El Pitazo Noticias.