Natural Disasters Monitoring - November 24, 2020

Severe Weather  

On 24 November 2020, media reported that 289,730 people have been affected by heavy rains and severe weather caused by tropical cyclones Eta and Iota. In total, 77 communities have been isolated due to flooding caused by heavy rains. Additionally, the Honduras Permanent Commission of Contingencies (COPECO) announced that increased flow of more than two meters in the Chamelecón River is expected to cause flooding in the Sula Valley. Residents of the area already evacuated are asked not to return and residents still in place are asked to evacuate immediately. The reports are available in Spanish at: El Heraldo and COPECO.   
On 23 November 2020, 500 migrant families residing in commune four of Soacha municipality were evacuated due to risk of landslide. Most residents live in houses and huts that could not sustain a landslide. Because families were residing on the land illegally and as a preventative measure, authorities began evicting families who refused to leave. The report is available in Spanish at: RCN Radio.   
On 24 November 2020, media reported that due to heavy rainfall in southeastern Mexico, severe floods and landslides occurred in the states of Tabasco and Chiapas leading to the evacuation of 4,000 people. In Tabasco, three rivers  overflowed due to the increased water levels of the Usumacinta River, Mexico’s largest tributary river. Heavy rainfall is forecasted for today in Chiapas, Veracruz, and the Yucatan Peninsula. The full report is available in Spanish at: Union Radio.