Natural Disasters Monitoring - November 20, 2020

Hurricane Iota Update  

On 19 November 2020, the Guatemala National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) reported that 174,951 people were affected by Hurricane Iota, reflecting an increase of 43,653 persons since the 18 November report. There were 16,809 people evacuated (10,340 increase) and 3,558 have been sheltered in centers that comply with the hygiene standards established in response to COVID-19. Additionally, 2,683 homes were damaged (1,354 increase), and 17 roads (5 increase) and 14 bridges (2 increase) were affected. The report is available in Spanish at: CONRED.  
Landslide Alert  

On 19 November 2020, media reported that due to the passage of Hurricanes Eta and Iota, 70% of Honduras is at high risk of landslides. There are 15 of the 18 departments of Honduras with geological conditions that make them susceptible to landslides under periods of heavy rainfall. In the last 15 days, 180 landslides were reported (104 caused by Eta and 76 caused by Iota). People living in high risk areas are urged to take caution during this period. The report is available in Spanish at: La Prensa.  
Severe Weather  

On 20 November 2020, media reported heavy rains are affecting 30,000 people in Zulia State, Venezuela. Heavy rains in addition to lack of maintenance of rivers and streams have caused flooding impacting hundreds of families in the affected region. A state of alarm for the state of Zulia has been requested as well as humanitarian aid for the affected families. The report is available in Spanish at: La Patilla.