Natural Disasters Monitoring - November 11, 2020

Unofficial Sources:
Severe Weather  
Dominican Republic Update

On 11 November 2020, in the Dominican Republic, media reported the evacuation of 3,720 persons (an increase of 2,595 since the last update). Additionally 4 communities remain isolated and a total of 744 homes, 3 roads, and 1 bridge were damaged. Currently, 12 provinces remain in yellow and 13 in green alert for possible urban and rural flash floods, flooding of rivers, streams and ravines, as well as possible landslides. The report is available in Spanish at: Diario Libre

On 11 November 2020, media reported an overflow of the La Zorquera River, affecting San Cristóbal Municipality. According to the media report,  8 sectors of San Isidro and Zorca Providences were affected by the overflow causing damage to at least 300 homes. In addition, the affected areas remain without electricity nor potable water. Government assistance for the affected people has been requested. The report is available in Spanish at: La Nación.  
Tropical Storm Eta Update 
Honduras Update

On 10 November 2020, media reported that Tropical Storm Eta affected 180,000 residents and that millions of losses in crops had been sustained.  In addition, 113 roads (an increase of 99 since the last update on 4 November), 3 educational centers, and 29 bridges were damaged. The Sula Valley Region has been the most affected. To date, 37,000 people have been evacuated (an increase of 34,963) and sheltered in 348 facilities across the country.  These shelters lack sufficient personal protective equipment, and water and sanitation services to prevent COVID-19. A total of 63 deaths related to Tropical Storm Eta have been reported. The reports are available in Spanish at: La Prensa 1, La Prensa 2, and at El Heraldo.