Natural Disasters Monitoring - May 20, 2021

Severe Weather  

On 19 May, the Guatemala National Coordinating System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED, per its acronym in Spanish) reported strong winds and heavy rain that damaged 9 houses in San Francisco, Petén, affecting 45 people, and injuring 9 individuals. CONRED provided humanitarian aid to the affected residents along with the local authorities. Since the beginning of the rainy season at the start of May, 176 homes have sustained mild, moderate, or severe damage from severe weather, and 10 homes are currently at risk. In total there have been 59 severe weather incidents reported which have affected 17,338 people, and 841 people have received medical treatment. 571 people have been evacuated to date across 26 shelters. The full report is available at: CONRED.