Natural Disasters Monitoring - May 19, 2021

Severe Weather  

On 18 May, media reported that over 4,000 people had been affected by heavy rains in the La Virginia Municipality that caused the overflow of the Risaralda River and subsequently flooded 14 neighborhoods. Currently there are 140 people being housed in a shelter and the Governor of Risaralda has requested the donation of blankets, mattresses, new clothes, cleaning supplies, and food to help with humanitarian distribution efforts. On 19 May, media reported 12 rain-related events (floods, river overflows, and others) across 10 municipalities in Antioquia affecting 334 families. The Southwest region of Antioquia has been the most affected with the overflow of the Cauca River. In Vigía del Fuerte municipality the overflow of the Murrí River caused damage to 152 homes and destroyed 2 more. In total there are 9 municipalities in Antioquia that remain on red alert for landslides: San Roque, Caicedo, Dabeiba, Alejandría, El Carmen de Viboral, San Carlos, Betania, Betulia, and Caldas. The reports are available at: W Radio and Infobae.