Natural Disasters Monitoring - June 9, 2020

 Official Sources:
Tropical Storm Cristobal
El Salvador
On 7 June 2020, the Government of El Salvador reported that 22,476 producers of basic grains were affected and 284,411 quintals of grain harvest were lost in more than 65 municipalities due to heavy rain and tropical storms. A loss of 685,325 quintals of fruit and vegetables was also reported. Additionally, the World Food Program (WFP) reported that 350,000 Salvadorans are at high-risk for severe food insecurity. The reports are available in Spanish at: Gobierno de El Salvador, Gobierno de El Salvador, WFP
Severe weather

On 7 June 2020, the Ecuador National Service for Risk and Emergency Management (SNGRE) reported heavy rain and an overflow of the Bobonaza River in Pastaza Province, which left the Pakayaku community isolated. Additionally, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) called for immediate support for the isolated communities. The reports are available in Spanish at: SNGRE, CONAIE
Unofficial Sources:
Tropical Storm Cristobal
On 7 June 2020, media reported 5,800 houses have been damaged in 141 municipalities in the states of Yucatan, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Tabasco. Moreover, up to 6,000 persons were in temporary shelters during the peak of the storm. In the state of Quinana Roo, media reported nearly 3,251 families were affected by flooding, massive tree falls, road fractures, and suspension of electricity and internet signals. The reports are available in Spanish at: Sipse Noticias, El Mexicano Noticias
On 7 June 2020, media reported flooding of several houses in 16 communities in the municipality of Los Amates, Valle Department, due to Tropical Storm Cristobal. A total of 2,301 persons were affected, some of whom were housed in the homes of relatives while others stayed in their flooded homes. In some cases, the water levels reportedly reached the ceiling of houses. The report is available in Spanish at: La Tribuna Noticias
Volcanic activity

On 9 June 2020, media reported ashfall in several localities of Guayas Province such as Guayaquil, Durán, Milagro, Yaguachi, and Bucay, as well as other provinces due to activities from the Sangay Volcano, located in Cordillera Real, Morona Santiago Province. The report is available in Spanish at: El Universo Noticias.