Natural Disasters Monitoring - February 16, 2021

Severe Weather 

On 16 February 2021, the National Emergency Operation Center (COEN), reported heavy rain and an overflow of the Huamuco river over the weekend affecting 762 people and 371 homes in Santa Rosa de Alto Yanajanca District, Marañón Province in Huanuco Department, Peru. To date, 396 hectares of agricultural land were affected. The report is available in Spanish at: COEN

United States of America
On 16 February 2021, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), reported snow, sleet, and freezing rain in several states affecting over 150 million people. In Oregon State, 270,000 people lost power (the majority in Salem) and in Texas 35 shelter are open with 1,140 occupants. In addition, 36 vaccination sites were closed due to the weather in Texas. To date, three deaths occurred in Kentucky and one death in North Carolina. The reports is available in English at: FEMA Daily Operations Briefing