Natural Disasters Monitoring - August 28, 2020

Official Sources:
Severe Weather 
Costa Rica

On 26 August, the Government of Costa Rica, reported heavy rain in Guanacaste Province where several families were affected; there were nine open shelters in the towns of Santa Cruz, La Cruz, and Carillo. Media reported, overall in the country, 622 people were affected and housed in 17 shelters. The reports are Spanish at: Presidencia Gob and crhoy Noticias
Tropical Storm Hernan
Mexico and United States of America(Update)

On 28 August 2020, the Mexico Secretary of National Defense, reported that several communities were affected by heavy rain in San Pedro el Alto and Santa Maria Temaxcaltepec municipalities, Oaxaca State, Mexico. In addition, media reported, that 400 people were evacuated from Cihuatlán, La Huerta, and Casimiro Castillo, Jalisco State and 40 homes flooded due to tropical storm Hernan. An overflow of the a stream, caused a road closure from Manzanillo to Cihuatlan in Colima State and isolated Manzanillo Port (the port operates 2,000 trucks daily). The reports are available in Spanish at: SEDENAmx, InformadofMX Noticias, T21MX Noticias.
Tropical Storm Iselle (Alert)

On 28 August 2020, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NOAA) reported that Tropical Iselle is about 470 miles of the southern tip of Baja California state, Mexico. Swells are expected to spread northward along the coast of west-central Mexico and the southern Baja California peninsula through Sunday, and will likely cause life-threatening conditions. The report is available in English at: NOAA
Volcanic activity

On 28 August 2020, the Ecuador Geophysics Institute reported that the Sangay volcano, located in the Cordillera Real, Morona Santiago Province, presented high volcanic activity. The report indicted, in case of heavy rains, lahars can be generated in the Volcán and Upano rivers. In addition, media reported ashfall in Chimborazo Province. The reports are available in Spanish at: IG and El Comercio Noticias.
Unofficial Sources:
Severe Weather 

On 27 August 2020, media reported, heavy rain and an overflow of the Uribante Viejo river in Barinas City, Barinas Sate, affected at least 100 families in the parish of Santa Cruz de Guacas. In addition, floods affected several communities and streets in Andres Eloy Blanco Municipality. The report is available in Spanish at: El Pitazo.