Natural Disasters Monitoring - April 22, 2021


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (update)
On 22 April 2021, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Agency (CDEMA) reported another explosive eruption of La Soufrière Volcano at 11:09 A.M. The ash cloud has now risen to above 8km into the atmosphere while most of the material seems to be going out towards the sea. The Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Emergency Management (NEMO) Bulletin No. 74 indicates the seismic activity of La Soufrière Volcano had continued with the pattern established after the explosion registered on 18 April and small-long-period and hybrid earthquakes have been recorded, with their rate of occurrence increasing gradually. The Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Shelter Report reports a total of 13,154 displaced persons registered with NEMO, of which 6,790 are in private homes and 6,208 in public shelters. The reports are available at: CDEMA Flash Update, UWI Seismic Research Centre, VCT La Soufrière Bulletin No. 74, CDEMA SitRep #20, and VC3 Daily Press Conference.


Severe Weather

On 21 April, the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) reported heavy rain in the department of Quiché, which caused landslides and floods in the municipalities of Chicamán and Uspantán. According to the report, a total of 1,056 people were affected by the landslides and floods, of which 1,006 people evacuated and took refuge with neighbors or relatives. Additionally 12 people and 2 houses remain at risk due to potential landslides in the villages of Jumuc and Chicamán. Overall, a total of 136 houses have been damaged and two roads have been affected in Santa Rosa La Laguna and Las Pacallas villages. The report is available in Spanish at: CONRED BOLETÍN INFOMATIVO No. 193-2021.