Malaria Champions of the Americas 2023

Malaria Champions

In the framework of the Malaria Day in the Americas celebration, PAHO and its partners recognize the 2023 Malaria Champions.

Malaria Champions of the Americas is an initiative that recognizes efforts in the countries leading to eliminating malaria in the Americas.

Malaria Day in the Americas - Press Release

PAHO announces Malaria Champions of the Americas 2023

Washington, DC, 3 November, 2023 (PAHO) – The Dominican Republic, Belize and Suriname, as well as the Mexican state of Quintana Roo and the Brazilian city of Manaus, were today awarded the 2023 Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Malaria Champions of the Americas prize for their sustained actions towards malaria elimination in the Region...

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Country efforts leading to eliminating malaria in the Americas

Manaos, Brazil

The award is given to Manaus for its efforts towards a sustained reduction in the transmission of P. falciparum malaria.

Dominican Republic

The country worked to interrupt malaria transmission in Los Tres Brazos community, its most important urban focus, with systematic actions to guarantee diagnosis and treatment.


Suriname is the first Amazon country reporting zero autochthonous malaria cases since 2021, an achievement after years of community involvement, stakeholder collaboration and improved program management and coordination.

Quintana Roo, Mexico

Quintana Roo State succeeded in interrupting malaria transmission and preventing re-establishment with comprehensive surveillance and response actions, in a context of intense movement of travelers and labor migration.

Belize: Sustainability Award

In recognition of the country’s sustained efforts to eliminate malaria transmission and achieve malaria-free certification by WHO in 2023.


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