In the framework of the Health Information Systems initiative, launched by PAHO in collaboration with the Caribbean countries in 2016, several partners agreed to work together to strengthen national initiatives to "leave no one behind".
IS4H Meeting
"It is essential to work together with the countries," says PAHO Director Dr. Carissa F. Etienne.
"It is essential to work together with the countries, taking into account the existing initiatives and build on what is already underway, so I am very impressed by the advances and innovation that our countries have," said Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, Director of PAHO/WHO.
Partners for development such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), technical partners such as the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires that acts as WHO Collaborating Center, and academic partners with whom the PAHO has signed official agreements as the Universities of Illinois, Utah and Harvard are joining forces to support governments in this global process of digital transformation of health systems. Details of the work network can be seen in this infographic. This networking focuses on 4 transversal axes of the IS4H Action Framework: 1) Information Systems Management and Governance, 2) Information Technologies and Databases, 3) Information and Knowledge Management, and 4) Innovation and performance measurement.