Public Health Surveillance (Vigilancia en Salud Pública - VSP, in Spanish) is an essential competence of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia (MSPS), whose general objective is the protection of the health of the population; for this, it requires systematic processes for the acquisition, analysis and dissemination of information related to the health of the population, which helps with decision-making, strengthening the planning, execution and evaluation of public health policies and practices.
The project is designing an information system for the automation of processes in the realization of health situation analysis (ASIS) that incorporates aspects of computer science, handling of large volumes of data, interoperability, safety and health analytics.
One of the main functions related to the VSP is the realization of the Health Situation Analysis (ASIS). According to the Pan American Health Organization (1999), ASIS are the analytical-synthetic processes that allow characterizing, measuring and explaining the health-disease profile of a population. The products derived from the ASIS allow to identify the needs, the priorities, the interventions and the evaluation of their impact on health.
In the Colombian sphere, the MSPS within the framework of Decree 3039 of 2007 (by which the National Plan of Public Health is adopted) developed two documents in 2010: a "Methodological Guide for the Analysis of Health Situation" and "Strategy Pedagogical for the Implementation of the Methodological Guide for Health Situation Analysis ", which are the basis for this analysis in all territorial entities. In addition, by law, the updating of the ASIS must be carried out annually.
The project "Design of an information system for the automation of processes in the analysis of health situation", one of the winners of the call for proposals for the implementation of IS4H projects promoted by the Pan American Health Organization, is aimed at designing an information system for the automation of processes in the realization of health situation analysis (ASIS) that incorporates aspects of computer science, handling of large volumes of data, interoperability, safety and health analytics.
Developed by the National University of Colombia - Medellin campus, the project will produce a document with the analysis of the automatable and non-automated processes that are carried out in the health situation analysis, considering the methods and techniques from computer science; a document with the analysis of the functional and non-functional requirements for the development of an information system, which considers both the automatable and non-automated processes incorporating aspects of computer science, mobile computing, handling of large volumes of data, security and analytical in health; a document with the design of a data warehouse and software architecture for the development of the information system, which considers both the functional and non-functional requirements of the information system; and in the end, it will have a developed prototype, corresponding to a minimum viable solution.