PAHO all in one download

You can download the software that makes up the PAHO All in One platform in two modules, each with its own repository: one for the electronic medical record (EMR) management system and the other for the telehealth module.

Both modules are offered as a public good, under an open-source initiative, and follow international interoperability standards.


Electronic medica record icon

Electronic medical record (EMR): (Download from Github)

  • This repository extends or integrates OpenEMR to enable telehealth functionalities. OpenEMR is widely used by clinics and healthcare centers to manage electronic medical records and telehealth services, such as video calls and chat.
  • The repository allows OpenEMR users to add telehealth features directly to the platform, including:
    • Scheduling virtual appointments.
    • Connecting patients and healthcare providers via video calls.
    • Ensuring patient information remains secure and compliant with privacy regulations.
Telehealth icon

Telehealth: (Download from Github)

  • This second repository is a broader implementation of a telehealth platform. The software focuses on providing a customizable telehealth solution, independent of OpenEMR, and designed to handle telehealth consultations.
  • Key features include:
    • Managing virtual appointments.
    • Secure communication between patients and healthcare providers.
    • Integration with video conferencing or teleconsultation platforms.
    • Patient data management with a focus on interoperability and security.


Both repositories aim to enhance healthcare services through telehealth. However, one is specifically integrated with OpenEMR (for users of that platform), while the other is a standalone system.