18th Session of the Subcommittee on Program, Budget, and Administration of the Executive Committee

Group photo of the 18th SPBA

Washington, D.C., 20–21 March 2024

The Subcommittee on Program, Budget, and Administration is an auxiliary advisory body of the Executive Committee with responsibility for aspects of Program, Budget, and Administration. It reviews and, as appropriate, makes recommendations to the Executive Committee in these areas.

Final Report

Working Documents

  • SPBA18/1
    - Agenda
  • SPBA18/2
    - Outline of the End-of-biennium Assessment of the PAHO Program Budget 2022–2023/Second Interim Report on the Implementation 
    of the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020–2025
  • SPBA18/3
    - Engagement with non-State Actors
  • SPBA18/4
    - Non-State Actors in Official Relations with PAHO 
  • SPBA18/5
    - Appointment of One Member to the Audit Committee of PAHO
  • SPBA18/6
    - Overview of the Financial Report of the Director for 2023
  • SPBA18/7
    - Programming of the Budget Surplus
  • SPBA18/8
    - Programming of the Revenue Surplus
  • SPBA18/9
    - Human Resources Management in the Pan American Sanitary Bureau
  • SPBA18/10
    - Update on the Master Capital Investment Fund and on the Master Capital Investment Plan Implementation
  • SPBA18/11
    - Update on the Status of the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women and Reproductive Health
  • SPBA18/12
    - Report on the Charge Assessed on the Procurement of Public Health Supplies for Member States

Information Documents

  • SPBA18/INF/1
    - Report on Strategic Issues between PAHO and WHO
  • SPBA18/INF/2
    - Draft Provisional Agenda for the 174th Session of the Executive Committee

Diverse Documents