Virtual Session, D.C., 29 May 2020
The Executive Committee is composed of nine Member States of the Organization, elected by the Conference or the Council for overlapping periods of three years. The Committee, which meets twice a year, acts as a working party of the Conference or Council. Special meetings are convoked by the Director of the Bureau either on his/her own initiative or upon request of at least three Member States. The Committee has an auxiliary advisory body, the Subcommittee on Program, Budget, and Administration.
Final Report
- Final Report
Working Documents
- CESS1/1
- Provisional Agenda - CESS1/2
- Current Financial Situation and Adjustments to the Pan American Health Organization Strategic Priorities - CESS1/3
- Emergency Loan from the Revolving Fund for Access to Vaccines to the Regional Revolving Fund for Strategic Public Health Supplies
- CESS1.R1
- Emergency Loan from the Revolving Fund for Access to Vaccines to the Regional Revolving Fund for Strategic Public Health Supplie - CESS1.R2
- Current Financial Situation and Adjustments to the Pan American Health Organization Strategic Priorities
Diverse Documents
- List of Participants