61st Directing Council

76th Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas
Washington, D.C., USA, 30 September–4 October 2024  

The Council meets once a year in those years when the Conference does not meet. It acts on behalf of the Conference between sessions of the Conference.

Diverse Documents

  • CD61/WP, Rev. 2
    - Program of Meetings
  • CD61/LP
    - Preliminary List of Participants

Official Documents

  • OD370
    - Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for 2023
  • OD371
    - Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

Working Documents 

  • CD61/1
    - Provisional Agenda
  • CD61/2
    - Annual Report of the President of the Executive Committee
  • CD61/3
    - Election of Three Member States to the Executive Committee on the Expiration of the Periods of Office of Argentina, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, and Jamaica
  • CD61/4
    - Report of the End-of-biennium Assessment of the PAHO Program Budget 2022–2023/Second Interim Report on the Implementation of the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020–2025
  • CD61/5
    - Strategy and Plan of Action to Decrease the Burden of Sepsis through an Integrated Approach 2025–2029
  • CD61/6
    - Policy for Strengthening Equity-Oriented Health Sector Action on Climate Change and Health
  • CD61/7
    - Plan of Action for Strengthening Information Systems for Health 2024–2030
  • CD61/8
    - Policy on Long-term Care
  • CD61/9
    - Strategy for Strengthening the Essential Public Health Functions to Accelerate Health Systems Transformation 2024–2034
  • CD61/10
    - Strategy and Plan of Action to Strengthen Tobacco Control in the Region of the Americas 2025–2030
  • CD61/11
    - Strategy on Integrated Emergency, Critical and Operative Care 2025–2030
  • CD61/12
    - Strategy on Epidemic Intelligence for Strengthening Early Warning of Health Emergencies 2024–2029
  • CD61/13
    - Report on the Collection of Assessed Contributions
  • CD61/13, Add. I
    - Report on the Collection of Assessed Contributions
  • CD61/14
    - Programming of the Budget Surplus
  • CD61/15
    - Update on the Status of the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women and Reproductive Health
  • CD61/16
    - Report on the Charge Assessed on the Procurement of Public Health Supplies for Member States
  • CD61/17
    - Selection of Two Member States from the Region of the Americas Entitled to Designate a Person to Serve on the Policy and Coordination Committee of the UNDP/UNFPA/ UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Program of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction
  • CD61/18
    - Election of Three Members to the Advisory Committee of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME)
  • CD61/19
    - PAHO Award for Health Services Management and Leadership 2024

Information Documents