Washington, D.C., 16-18 March 2011
The Subcommittee on Program, Budget and Administration is an auxiliary advisory body of the Executive Committee with responsibility for aspects of Program, Budget and Administration. It reviews and, as appropriate, makes recommendations to the Executive Committee in these areas.
Diverse Documents| Working Documents| Information Documents| Final Report
Final Report
- Final Report
Diverse Documents
- SPBA5/DP/3
- Daily Program - SPBA5/LP
- List of Participants
Working Documents
- SPBA5/1, Rev. 1
- Provisional Agenda - SPBA5/2, Rev. 1
- Draft proposed Program and Budget 2012-2013 of the Pan American Health Organization - SPBA5/2, Add. I
- Draft proposed Program and Budget 2012-2013 - SPBA5/2, Add. I, Corr.
- Draft proposed Program and Budget 2012-2013 - SPBA5/3, Rev. 1
- Nongovernmental Organizations in Official Relations with PAHO - SPBA5/4
- Overview of the Financial Report of the Director for 2010 - SPBA5/5
- Status of the Implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) - SPBA5/6
- Master Capital Investment Plan - SPBA5/7
- Status of Projects Funded from the PAHO Holding Account - SPBA5/8, Rev. 1
- Amendments to the PASB Staff Rules and Regulations
Information Documents
- WHO Medium-term Strategic Plan 2008-2013 and Proposed Programme Budget 2012-2013 - SPBA5/INF/2, Rev. 1
- Draft Provisional Agenda for the 148th Session of the Executive Committee