

Following the disastrous 2017 hurricanes, the Ministry of Health of the Virgin Islands in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization, inaugurated a series of Resilience Workshops, which were held in February and September 2019 with plans for follow up sessions in 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic hit.


Join at the launch of the Spanish version of Florence, Florencia, WHO's first-ever digital health worker, based on artificial intelligence to help people quit tobacco. On Monday, 8 february 2021, at 11 am (EST).

Quitting smoking is more important than ever as smokers are more likely to develop severe COVID-19, compared to non-smokers.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear the importance of strengthening national capacities in the area of vaccine safety communication. 


PAHO/CDB Training for journalists and health communicators: 

“Doing What Matters in Times of Stress for Journalists and Health Communicators.”



Universal Health Day (also known as Universal Health Coverage Day – UHC Day) is celebrated on December 12th every year and is the annual rallying point for the growing movement for Universal Health to ensure that everyone, everywhere, has access to quality health services, when and where they need them, without exposing them to financial hardship.


Tania Maria Ando Rocholl, Vice-Chair of the Human Rights Committee


December 16th 2020


11:00 am-12:00 pm, EST (Check here the time in your zone)

How to participate:

Via Zoom  


The “Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Coordination in Humanitarian Emergencies” course, is designed to provide humanitarian actors with guidance on how to establish, organize and facilitate MHPSS coordination and strengthen current adjunct applicable skills for use in complex humanitarian emergencies and relief operations, such as needs assessments, monitoring and evaluation,…


Dialogues about research ethics during the pandemic: Challenges and lessons to learn in Latin America and the Caribbean

Sixth dialogue: What have we learned so far?


December 9th, 12-2 pm (Washington DC time) 



Luis Ernesto Pedernera, Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child


9 December 2020
11:00 am-12:00 pm, EST (Check here the time in your zone)


Via Zoom. Use this link to connect