Join us on Thursday, May 09, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia or GMT-3) for the webinar "Quality of Health Information", promoted by BIREME, the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).
The objective of the event is to work with the coordinators of the VHL Network and LILACS Network to strengthen the management actions of the Health Information Networks in Latin America & the Caribbean. This is the third in a series of six webinars.
The objective of the event is to work with the coordinators of the VHL Network and LILACS Network to strengthen management efforts of Health Information Networks in Latin America & the Caribbean. This is the third in a series of six webinars.
Jueves 09 de mayo de 2024
11:00 am (Brasília time or GMT-3)
- Opening of the session, by Rosemeire Rocha - BIREME/PAHO/WHO
- Accessible and reliable information for decision making in national and local health systems, by Dr. Jorge Barreto Maia, Investigador en Salud Pública - FIOCRUZ
- Evaluation of the quality of scientific evidence, by Dr. Maria Cabral, Associate Professor - UNIFESP
- Quality in VHL products and services, by Rosemeire Rocha, Sueli Suga and Joanita Barros - BIREME/PAHO/WHO
This webinar is free of charge and will be conducted in Spanish on the Teams platform.
For more information, please visit: https://red.bvsalud.org/es/fortalecimiento-de-las-redes-de-informacion-en-salud-en-alc-2024/red-bvs-2024/