Time: 11:00 am a 1:00 pm (EDT)
Date: Tuesday, March 21 2023
Within the framework of the Special Initiative for the Social Determinants of Health and Equity of the World Health Organization, the Health Promotion and Social Determinants Unit of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) will develop in 2023 a series of activities on migration and health in the Americas. The purpose of these activities is to disseminate information on migration and health, and to promote dialogue on these issues among relevant agents, to favor their interaction and exchange of experiences. The aim is to strengthen capacities for the response to SDH and migratory phenomena in the region.
Objective of this first seminar:
The objective of this first seminar is to disseminate existing knowledge about migration as SDH in the Region of the Americas to decision makers, CSO members, academics, and the general public.
Specific Objectives:
- Introduce the concepts of SDH, and migration as SDH
- Publicize PAHO/WHO's work on SDH and migration
- To present an overview of the migration situation in the Americas
- Present conclusions of a systematic review on migration and health in the region
- Present conclusions of a systematic review of public policies and health in the region
English, Spanish and Portuguese with simultaneous translation
Candelaria Araoz, PAHO: Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO Washington
Ietza Bojorquez, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte: Researcher
Luciana Gandini, National Autonomous University of Mexico: Researcher
Victoria Prieto Rosas, University of the Republic, Uruguay: Adjunct Professor
Orielle Solar, PAHO: SDH Regional Advisor, PAHO Washington
Social Health Promotion and Determinants Unit, PAHO Washington