Friday September 11 commencing 1000-1130 (Jamaica time) .
Recent experience with the SARS-Cov2 coronavirus has shown that the case-fatality rate is decisively impacted by the response capacity of the
health care network, especially in terms of early detection of cases and availability/access to critical care provided by sufficient numbers of competent
health workers.
PAHO has developed an online bed management tool to support countries. The centralized bed management mechanism maintains records on the
inventory, occupancy, and movement of hospital beds (the tool is available at https://hsvce.paho.org/public/analysis_beds).
The Webinar is aimed at sharing country experiences in reorganization of health services for the response to the COVID-19 Pandemic from Jamaica
and the Bahamas, followed by a presentation of the PAHO tool for bed management system and country experiences in the use of the tool.
Webex meeting link: