This webinar is jointly organized by the Climate Change and Environmental Determinants of Health Unit, which belongs to PAHO's Department of Social and Environmental Determinants for Health Equity, and the Subregional Coordination Program for the Caribbean (SPB-CRB), WHO Air Quality, Energy and Health Unit, and the World Health Federation.
The event will be held via Zoom on 19th April 2024 from 10:00am to 12:00pm (ET).
Nearly 7 million people die every year due to exposure to air pollution. Almost all these deaths (85%) are attributable to non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer.
Health sector leadership is required to address this issue, developing comprehensive approaches that acknowledge air pollution as one of the risks factors for NCDs.
The main objectives of this webinar are to inform the medical community about the correlation between air pollution and cardiovascular health, and to introduce newly developed PAHO/WHO educational materials on air pollution and health for the health workforce. Thus, this session will provide valuable inputs to both the NCDs and air pollution communities to achieve multiple benefits and maximize cooperation.
How to join
- DATE: Friday, 19 April 2024
- TIME: 10:00am - 12:00pm (ET, Washington DC time).
- OTHER TIME ZONES: Mexico (8:00am), Jamaica, Panama (9:00am), Argentina, Brasilia (11:00am).
Welcome and remarks
Dean Chambliss, PAHO/WHO Subregional Programme Director for the Caribbean.
Mark Miller, WHF Air Pollution Expert Group, Chair.
Air Pollution and NCDs: Evidence and Trends for the Caribbean
Kerolyn Shairsingh, WHO consultant. Air Quality, Energy and Health Unit.
Building the Health Workforce Capacity: WHO Air Pollution and Health Training
Samantha Pegoraro, WHO technical officer. Air Quality, Energy and Health Unit.
Training Module: PAHO/WHO Cardiovascular Diseases and Air Pollution
Rajesh Vedanthan, Air Pollution Expert Group, WHF.
Q&A Session
Moderator: Mark Miller, WHF.
Integrating Air Pollution into NCDs. Action on Air Pollution for Cardiovascular Health
Kelcey Armstrong-Walenczak, Policy and Advocacy Manager, WHF.
Air Quality and Health: Opportunities for Action
Juan J. Castillo, Air Quality and Health Regional Advisor, PAHO.
Q&A Session
Moderator: Gloria Giraldo, Non-communicable Disease and Mental Health Advisor, PAHO.
Conclusion and Next Steps
Gloria Giraldo, Non-communicable Disease and Mental Health Advisor, PAHO.