Regional Launch of the Global Strategy for Cervical Cancer Elimination
On the occasion of the launch of the Global Strategy for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer, passed by the World Health Assembly in August 2020, PAHO/WHO is organizing a regional event to present this global strategy, and review progress with the Regional Action Plan on the Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer.
This event will also be an opportunity to exchange information on progress and strengthen commitments to implement activities in the Region to reach the global goals of:
- 90% coverage of HPV vaccination in girls before the age of 15 years;
- 70% coverage with HPV testing in women aged 35-45 years; and
- 90% treatment coverage, including palliative care.
Find below the link to register and stay tuned for more details on this event.
How to participate
- DATE: Tuesday, 17 November, 2020
- TIME: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (EST) [see time correspondence below]
- REGISTER: https://paho-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ir0wzcdURXuIOmMmQz4P8Q
- 11:00 am - Welcome and introductions. Silvana Luciani, Unit Chief, Noncommunicable Diseases, PAHO
- 11:05 am - Towards cervical cancer elimination in the Americas. Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, Assistant Director, PAHO
- 11:10 am - Projected impact of HPV vaccination, screening and treatment for cervical cancer elimination. Dr. Jane Kim, Professor, Harvard University
- 11:20 am - Challenges and opportunities for cervical cancer elimination at country level. Panel of Ministry of Health representatives:
- Dr. Antonio Braga, Brasil
- Dr. Roberto Arroba, Costa Rica
- Dr. Els Dams, Suriname
- Dr. Ted Trimble, WHO Collaborating Center at US NCI
- 11:30 am - Commitments from professional associations and civil society groups. Panel of civil society representatives:
- Dr. Renato Kfouri, Brasil Society of Immunization (SBIm)
- Dr. Mauricio Maza, Basic Health International
- Heather Mia Usher, Healthy Caribbean Coalition
- Dr. Carlos Pèrez, International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy
- Dr. Eduardo Cazap, Latin American and Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology
- Dr Mila Salcedo, MD Anderson Cancer Center/Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre/Universidade Federal de Ciências
- Karl Diekman, Rotary
- 11:55 am - Final reflections. Dr. Lucia De Oliveira, regional advisor on new vaccines, Immunization Unit, PAHO
- 12:00 pm - Closure
Time correspondence
- 08:00 am.– Los Angeles
- 10:00 am. – Belmopan, Guatemala City, Mexico City, Managua, San José (CR), San Salvador, Tegucigalpa
- 11:00 am. – Bogota, Havana, Lima, Kingston, Panama City, Quito, Nassau, Washington DC
- 12:00 pm. – Bridgetown, Caracas, Castries, Georgetown, Port of Spain, Santo Domingo, San Juan
- 1:00 pm. – Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Montevideo, Paramaribo
- 05:00 pm. – Geneva
For other cities, check the time in the following link
Global launch
Prior the Regional Launch, WHO will host a Global Launch on Tuesday 17 November, at 2:30pm to 4:00pm CET (Geneva) - 7:30 am to 10:00 am (EST)
A Global Strategy for elimination of cervical cancer
Click on the image to learn more