On July 23, monkeypox was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the WHO Director-General. As of December 7, there have been 55,631 confirmed cases in the Region of the Americas, of which 329 have been from Central America, 201 in Guatemala. For this, the IMST of MPOX of PAHO together with the Regional Coordination Mechanism of Central America propose to carry out the update webinar, whose objectives are: Knowing the current status of the outbreak, diagnostic methods, surveillance and vaccination strategies, as well as clinical treatment can help improve the response to monkeypox in the subregion.
Objective: Update session on monkeypox to strengthen prevention and control actions aimed at the Ministries of Health work teams, HIV programs, VICITS teams, care services for key populations and civil society in Central America and the Republic Dominican.
If you missed the event you can watch it HERE