Join the Virtual Campus for Public Health webinar on "Framework of Teaching Competences in Public Health. Competence Evaluation and Experiences with Validation."
Date: Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Time: 11.00 am (EST).
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
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The Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) is the educational platform of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and a strategic tool for technical cooperation that seeks to contribute to the development of the capabilities and competencies of health workers by supporting the transformation of public health services and practices in the Region of the Americas. It functions as a decentralized network of people, institutions and organizations that share open educational courses and resources on public health topics relevant to the countries of the region, using information and communication technologies.
In 2022, the VCPH and the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) developed the joint initiative to build the Regional Framework of Teaching Competencies in Public Health (RFTCPH), with the purpose of having a useful regional tool to guide training of teachers in the Region of the Americas. The initiative brought together 123 experts from 19 countries in the Region of the Americas representing academic institutions, and public health schools, and primary care professionals. Through collaborative work a framework was developed which included 10 domains and 40 associated competencies.
In 2023, the VCPH and the ASPPH built an evaluation strategy based on the RFTCPH, through the development and programming of a competency evaluation module. This module was validated in two phases: first by 115 experts from 53 academic institutions in 20 countries in the region, and subsequently by 1161 teachers from 85 academic institutions in 21 countries of the region. The comments from both processes were compiled, and currently a committee of 30 experts from 15 countries is working on updating and refining the competency evaluation module.
General objetive
Present the experience of associated work between the VCPH and the ASPPH.
Specific objectives
- Share the experiences of the development, validation and piloting process of the Regional Framework of Teaching Competencies in Public Health evaluation module.
- Articulate synergies that allow the experience to be known and open opportunities for the integration of institutions.
- Promote the development of a collaborative work network aimed at teacher training.
Moderator: Gabriel Listovsky, Regional Coordinator, Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH).
11.00: Welcome. The Regional Framework of Teaching Competencies in Public Health in the context of the VCPH networking. Gabriel Listovsky, Regional Coordinator VCPH.
11.10: Report: Where we are and where we are going. Juana Suárez Conejero, Coordinator RFTCPH ASPPH.
11.20: Panel: The institutional experience of the RFTCPH evaluation.
Moderator: Laura Magaña, president and CEO ASPPH.
- Rosbel Toledo. Head of the Education and Research Coordination of IMSS Bienestar, Mexico.
- Rosa María Ostiguín Meléndez Zárate. General Secretary of the Faculty of Nursing and Obstetrics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico.
- Yolanda Martínez López. Coordinator of the Interuniversity Public Health Network of Mexico.
- Rogelio Pizzi. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. President of the Latin American Association of Faculties and Schools of Medicine (LAAFSM). Argentina.
- Adrián Alasino. Dean of the Higher School of Medicine. Universidad Nacional de Mar de Plata, Argentina.
- Matilde Peguero. Director of the School of Public Health. Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
- María del Pilar Cerezo. Coordinator of the Public Health specialization, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, Colombia.
- Teodoro Isaac Tercero. Director, Center for Health Research and Studies (CHRS). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua/Managua, Nicaragua.
11.50: Panel: Moving towards a framework for the entire Region.
Moderator: Isabel Dure, Internacional PAHO Consultant.
- Tricia Penniecook. Vice Dean University of South Florida, College of Public Health, EUA.
- Fernando Meneses. International consultant of public health. Professor Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil.
- Marcia Cristina Rodrigues. National School of Public Health Sérgio Arouca – Fiocruz. Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Red Scola, Brazil.
- Eduardo Melo. Subdirector National School of Public Health Sérgio Arouca/ENSP Fiocruz, Brazil.
- Jacques E. Girard. International consultant of public health. Faculté de médecine, Université Laval, Canada.
- Sandra Bonilla. Professor Université de Québec en Outaouais, Canada.
12.15: Comments and reflections of the process. Benjamín Puertas, Head of Human Resources for Health Unit, PAHO.
12.25: Closing remarks: 2024 perspectives for networking from the Regional Framework of Teaching Competencies in Public Health. Gabriel Listovsky and Laura Magaña.