Closing Webinar: Expanding the Vaccine Safety Net in the Americas

Closing Webinar: Expanding the Vaccine Safety Net in the Americas
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Date and time:

Thursday 25 April 2024 | 10:00am – 12:00pm WDC


The webinar aims to describe the process of implementing the WHO’s Vaccine Safety Net (VSN) criteria for the webpages of four beneficiary organization in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as present the results achieved during the 9-month process to improve the quality and visibility of vaccine safety information. The end goal is to encourage other organizations in the Americas to improve their vaccine safety online content by applying the VSN criteria and best practices developed during this project.

Target audience:

This workshop is tailored to all governmental, non-governmental, professional and patient advocacy organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean who publish information on vaccines and vaccine safety on publicly accessible websites. The audience will include Ministry of Health staff, public health professionals, policymakers, researchers and stakeholders involved in vaccine safety topics and other immunizations initiatives in the Americas.

Delivery format:

The webinar will be conducted via Zoom, with interpretation services in English, Spanish and Portuguese. 


Proposed agenda:


Topic and panelist

10:00 – 10:05

Opening remarks

10:05 – 10:15

Overview of the PAHO VSN expansion project - PAHO

  • Significance of improving the quality and visibility of vaccine safety information in the Americas
  • Goals, objectives and outcomes of the VSN expansion project in 2023-2024

10:15 – 10:55

Contributions from beneficiary organizations: Achievements and lessons learned from the PAHO project - Beneficiary organizations

  • Colombia - Ministry of Health: Using PAHO-developed tools to plan and publish a new institutional webpage on vaccine safety.
  • Guatemala - Proyecto ALMA/FUNDEGUA: Determining requirements and resources needed to develop the updated webpage.
  • Trinidad and Tobago - Ministry of Health: Prioritizing activities to develop and promote vaccine safety content on the institutional webpage
  • Uruguay - Comisión Honoraria para la Lucha Antituberculosa y Enfermedades Prevalentes (CHLAEP): Ensuring the sustainability of the changes implemented to maintain the completeness and relevance of the vaccine safety content.

10:55 – 11:25

Q&A session - Moderated by PAHO

11:25 – 11:30

Closing remarks