Zika ethics consultation: Ethics guidance on key issues raised by the outbreak

Zika Ethics Consultation

The document presents the guidance that resulted from the Zika Ethics Consultation convened by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) on the issues that affected countries had previously identified as most ethically challenging in the context of the Zika virus outbreak. Ethical duties in the domains of health care delivery, public health activity, and research are explained. With respect to health care delivery, women’s moral right to choose among all relevant reproductive options is highlighted. 

Respecting women’s capacity to choose goes in tandem with the ethical obligation to support them and protect their health. Providing all available information in an honest and transparent manner is a crosscutting ethical duty of healthcare providers, Ministries of Health, and governments. The impact on all domains of the ethical duty to undertake research and then share the data and research outcomes to enable prompt responses to the health emergency is stressed, along with the imperative to advance research and surveillance. Because the Zika virus outbreak is a global health issue, solidarity should guide the collaboration among countries in the delivery of health care, advancement of public health, and conduct of research.