The Influence of Environments on Healthy Aging. World Health Organization Global Network for Agefriendly Cities and Communities

The Influence of Environments on Healthy Aging. World Health Organization Global Network for Agefriendly Cities and Communities

Promoting capacity-building for older people at the local level is one of the four enablers of the United Nations Decade of Healthy Aging 2021–2030. The World Health Organization’s Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities is a key intervention tool for this dimension. This publication presents the growth and achievements of the Global Network in the Region of the Americas. Its objective is to outline the state of current knowledge on the health situation of older people in the Americas at the beginning of this decade and the impact of environments on their well-being, and to guide policy actions towards ensuring people’s full development throughout the life course. This analysis of the evolution of the Network in the Region is based on information that active cities and communities uploaded to a website created for this purpose. In addition, present and future challenges are examined, and participants are urged to strengthen the Network across the Region and worldwide. The demographic transition in Latin America and the Caribbean is now shaping and will continue to shape the capacities of countries and health systems to respond to the specific demands of the population. It is essential to create instruments aimed at adapting environments to promote healthy aging throughout the life course, using accurate, updated, and effective information. The Decade of Healthy Aging (2021–2030) establishes a period for action aimed at generating and monitoring data. This report is framed within that strategy.


Decade of Healthy Aging in the Americas: situation and challenges