Harmonizing Technical Approaches to Improve National HIV Surveillance Capacity in the Caribbean

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The Caribbean Region is considered to have the second highest rate of infection in the world, with an estimated adult prevalence of 1.0%. The burden of the epidemic varies from country to country, and according to the UNAIDS Report for 2010, new infections have slightly declined within the period 2001-2009. 

While the region has collectively strived to strengthen HIV care and treatment, the Caribbean has the biggest treatment gap in the Americas. Knowing the HIV/AIDS Epidemics is essential for the required results based approach urgently needed in the Region to reduce the treatment gap and prevent new infections. 

In 2008 the Caucus of Minister responsible for Health of the CARICOM approved the PAHO HIV Caribbean Plan for the Health Sector and requested PAHO to intensify technical cooperation in the Caribbean. One of the four Critical Lines of Action is that of strengthening Strategic Information to improve the overall Health System’s Response to the HIV Epidemic.