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Accelerating the Elimination of Communicable Diseases in the Americas

The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic is a test of our ability to unite and speak out against pandemics. Having overcome the enormous task of protecting populations from the virus, it is essential that we prepare for future outbreaks and work proactively, not only to control communicable diseases, but also to accelerate the elimination agenda by 2030, a goal within reach of the countries of the Americas.

By building on and learning from successes, the Region of the Americas has the potential to eliminate many more communicable diseases in our lifetime. The PAHO Elimination Initiative points the way. Since the launch of the Elimination Initiative in 2019, we have made commendable progress, despite the tests posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, this global crisis served as a catalyst, not just a challenge. The pandemic amplified the importance of establishing stronger, more resilient health systems, leading to rapid advances, some of which include the emergence of new technologies and a pronounced shift toward community-based service delivery.