Development of the Action Plan (2022–2030) for Effective Implementation of the Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol. Regional Technical Consultation on Working Document. Virtual Meeting, 16–17 March 2021

Cover of Development of the Action Plan (2022–2030) for Effective Implementation of the Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol. Regional Technical Consultation on Working Document.


The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) held its regional technical consultation on the working document for development of the action plan (2022–2030) for effective implementation of the global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol on 16 and 17 March 2021. The objectives of this consultation were to: discuss the working document, and provide feedback on its content; provide recommendations for the content of the first draft of the action plan, reflecting the regional needs and priorities for accelerating action to reduce the harmful use of alcohol; strengthen, as appropriate, the regional networks of technical counterparts in WHO Member States who are responsible for the development and implementation of alcohol policies and action plans at the national level; and discuss selected technical issues related to the available regional data and impact of COVID-19 on actions to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. This document is a summary of the discussions held during the regional technical consultation. Participants included staff from WHO headquarters, PAHO headquarters, PAHO regional offices and Member State Focal Points.