CSP25/9 - Technical Cooperation among Countries: Panamericanism in the Twenty-first Century

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This document is a progress report on technical cooperation among countries, principally in the current decade, and on the 20th anniversary of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action.

The report consists of a conceptual and operational review of technical cooperation among countries (TCC), beginning with the Buenos Aires Plan of Action (1978) endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly. The report analyzes the history and implementation of TCC in health in the Americas and the Caribbean, as well as its limitations, achievements, and financing. It proposes that political, technical, and administrative support be provided for TCC, which is understood as the strategic participation of all the countries in external cooperation. Also highlighted are the principles of technical cooperation among countries: solidarity, sovereignty, sustainability, and dignity.

The report proposes that the countries use this strategy as one more instrument for reducing equity gaps in health, within the framework of the new international order, taking into account the globalization of the economies and the progress made in Pan American integration. It also promotes the drafting of public policies within and among the countries to consolidate national systems for technical cooperation that will support sustainable development in health on a national and regional scale.

The Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau has addressed this topic at the subregional meetings of ministers of health and has actively pursued coordination with the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program, the Latin American Economic System, and the Organization of American States. Having presented the report to the Executive Committee, which offered very pertinent observations and suggested improvements, the Secretariat now submits it to the Pan American Sanitary Conference for the Member States to comment on their expectations and recent experiences in this area and on the recommendations of the Secretariat.