Booklet - A Safe Systems Approach for Safer Roads in Jamaica


Road traffic incidents (RTI) are the 11th leading cause of death in Jamaica. Not only a high number of people die on the road every year, but over 10,000 people are injured, with many suffering from long-term disabilities due to RTIs. This project is geared towards positioning Jamaica to achieve the established 2030 goal of the Decade of Action to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50%. In support of the ongoing response by the Government of Jamaica, the National Road Safety Council and other key stakeholders have prioritized activities to accelerate the response “and achieve the national target in keeping with the global target for the Second Decade of Road Safety, to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50%. Specifically, the project aims to strengthen road safety management, improve road user behaviour, and improve the post-crash response. This booklet was funded by the United Nations Road Safety Fund.

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For more information, visit the UNRSF Project using the Safe System Approach for Safer Roads in Jamaica web page.