22 June 2011: Cholera – situation in Haiti and the Dominican Republic – update

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Epidemiological AlertsIn Haiti, the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) case surveillance system reported that as of EW 19 there was an increase in the number of new cholera cases and new hospitalizations in Port-au-Prince and in the Centre and Sud Est departments. For EW 22 and 23, five other departments (Arbonite, Grand Anse, Nippes, Nord and Ouest) experienced an increase in the number of new cases and new hospitalizations. This increase coincides with the start of the rainy season in Haiti.

In Dominican Republic, the Ministry of Public Health reported that since the beginning of the outbreak up to EW 23 of 2011 there were 1,727 confirmed cases (191 in 2010 and 1,536 in 2011), including 46 deaths. The municipalities of Santa Domingo Este and Oeste, Distrito Nacional, San Pedro de Macoris, Santiago and San Cristóbal registered the highest rates of cholera transmission in the past two weeks.