Multilateral IHR NFP Strengthening Workshop Toolkit

The Multilateral IHR NFP Strengthening Workshop Toolkit is a set of resources (guidance, presentations, templates, and examples) designed for use by National International Health Regulations Focal Point (IHR NFPs) to encourage peer-to-peer and WHO engagements on strengthening NFP capacity.

The purpose of the main document and accompanying presentations, templates, and examples, is to provide States Parties to the International Health Regulations (IHR), including all World Health Organization (WHO) Member States, with a general outline of the planning and execution of a multilateral National IHR Focal Point (NFP) strengthening workshop.

This compilation is based on the experiences of the WHO IHR Regional Contact Point for the Americas and the NFPs of Canada, Dominica, Mexico, and the United States of America, and was developed to assist with operationalizing the mandatory functions of the NFP and, as such, does not provide a strict legal interpretation of the IHR. This does not serve as an IHR NFP capacity assessment tool or a monitoring and evaluation tool, but encourages peer-to-peer and WHO engagements on strengthening NFP capacity.