Bioethics Publications

Bioethics Publications

This repository of the Regional Bioethics Program provides access to knowledge on research ethics and public health ethics from PAHO and WHO, as well as from other sources.

   Featured Publications


     Research Ethics 


-The revision of the declaration of Helsinki viewed from the Americas—Paving the way to better research (Oct. 2024)

-Advancing collaborative research for health: why does collaboration matter? (Aug. 2024)

-Tool for the accreditation of research ethics committees (PAHO, 2023). Also available in Spanish | Portuguese | French

-Final report of the regional workshop: Strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions, and to improve research quality and coordination (PAHO, 2023)

-Strengthening national research ethics systems in the Americas to improve its ethics preparedness and response to emergencies  (Kaleidoscope of Global Bioethics, Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida, 2023)

-Research ethics systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: a systemic assessment using indicators (The Lancet Global Health, 2022)

-Indicators for strengthening national research ethics systems (PAHO, 2021). Also available in Spanish | French | Portuguese

-The landscape of COVID-19 clinical trials in Latin America and the Caribbean: assessment and challenges (Pan American Journal of Public Health, 2020)

-Advancing research ethics systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: a path for other LMICs? (The Lancet Global Health, 2019)

-Pregnant women & vaccines against emerging epidemic threats. Ethics guidance for  preparedness, research, and response (PREVENT - Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, 2018)

-International ethical guidelines for health-related research involving humans (CIOMS and PAHO, 2017)

-An ethics call for the inclusion of pregnant women in research (Pan American Journal of Public Health, 2016)

-Zika ethics consultation: ethics guidance on key issues raised by the outbreak (PAHO, 2016)

-Standards and operational guidance for ethics review of health-related research with human participants (2011 / Published by PAHO in Spanish)

-Casebook on ethical issues in international health research (2009 / Published by PAHO in Spanish)


     Public Health Ethics

    Ethics Guidance for COVID-19 


Other Ethics Resources

-International compilation of human research standards 2021 edition (Compiled by OHRP; OASH; and HHS)

-WHO global health ethics