Washington, D.C., 26-30 September 2005
Working Documents | Information Documents | Resolutions | Summary Records | Final Record
- Official Document 317
- Proposed Program Budget of the Pan American Health Organization for the Financial Period 2006-2007 - Official Document 320
- Interim Financial Report of the Director for 2004
- CD46/1
- Agenda
- CD46/2
- List of Participants
- CD46/3 and CD46/3, Corrig.
- Annual Report of the President of the Executive Committee
- CD46/4
- Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau - CD46/5
- Election of Three Member States to the Executive Committee on the Expiration of the Periods of Office of Dominica, Paraguay, and the United States of America - CD46/6
- Guiding Principles for Strategic Resources Allocations across WHO - CD46/7
- WHO's Eleventh General Program of Work - CD46/8
- Midterm Assessment of the Implementation of the Strategic Plan for the Pan American Health Organization for the Period 2003-2007 - CD46/9
- Technical Cooperation among Countries in the Region - CD46/10
- Strategy for the Future of the Pan American Centers - CD46/11
- Strategy for the Future of the Pan American Centers: Technical Cooperation in Food Safety PAHO/WHO 2006-2007
- CD46/12
- Proposed PAHO Gender Policy - CD46/13
- Regional Declaration on the New Orientations for Primary Health Care - CD46/14
- Report of the 14th Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Health and Agriculture - CD46/15, Rev. 1
- Update on the Process of Institutional Strengthening within the Pan American Sanitary Bureau - CD46/16
- Progress Report on the Regional Initiative for Blood Safety and Plan of Action for 2006-2010 - CD46/17
- Malaria and the Internationally Agreed-upon Development Goals, Including Those Contained in the Millennium Declaration - CD46/18, Rev. 1
- Regional Strategy for the Control of Tuberculosis for 2005-2015 - CD46/19
- Country-Focused Cooperation and National Health Development - CD46/20 and CD46/20, Add. I
- Access to Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS - CD46/21
- Progress Report on Family and Health - CD46/22, CD46/22, Add. I, and CD46/22, Add. II
- Report on the Collection of Quota Contributions - CD46/23, CD46/23, Add. I, and CD46/23, Add. I, Corrig.,
- Report of the Joint Inspection Unit - CD46/24
- Report on Activities of the Internal Oversight Services - CD46/25
- PAHO Financial Rules - CD46/26
- Appointment of the External Auditor - CD46/27, Rev. 1 and CD46/27, Rev. 1, Corrig.
- Salary of the Director and Amendments to the Staff Regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau - CD46/28
- Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendation of the External Auditor�s Special Report, September 2004 - CD46/29
- PAHO in the 21st Century: Final Report - CD46/30
- PAHO Award for Administration, 2005 - CD46/31
- Abraham Horwitz Award for Inter-American Health, 2005 - CD46/32
- Manuel Velasco-Suárez Award in Bioethics, 2005 - CD46/33
- Resolutions and Other Actions of the Fifty-eighth World Health Assembly of Interest to the Regional Committee
- CD46/34
- Interim Financial Report of the Director - CD46/35
- 2004-2005 External Audit Report to the Directing Council
- CD46/INF/1
- Performance Assessment Report of the Biennial Program Budget 2002-2003
- CD46/INF/2
- PAHO Biennial Program Budget 2006-2007: Scope of the Areas of Work - CD46/INF/3, Rev. 1
- Actions Taken in 2004-2005 to Strengthen the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, in Accordance with the Strategic Plan 2003-2007 - CD46/INF/4
- Experience with the Application of the Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) Methodology in the Region of the Americas - CD46/INF/5
- Draft Provisional Agenda of the 117th Session of the WHO Executive Board
- CD46.R1
- Report on the Collection of Quota Contributions - CD46.R2
- Process of Institutional Strengthening of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau - CD46.R3
- Appointment of the External Auditor - CD46.R4
- Election of Three Member States to the Executive Committee on the Expiration of the Periods of Office of Dominica, Paraguay, and the United States of America - CD46.R5
- Progress Report on the Global Safe Blood Initiative and Plan of Action for 2005-2010 - CD46.R6
- Strategy for the Future of the Pan American Centers - CD46.R7
- Midterm Assessment of the Implementation of the Strategic Plan for the Pan American Health Organization for the Period 2003-2007 - CD46.R8
- Proposed Program Budget of the Pan American Health Organization for the Financial Period 2006-2007 - CD46.R9
- Assessments of the Member Governments, Participating Governments and Associate Members of the Pan American Health Organization for 2006-2007 - CD46.R10
- Amendment to the Staff Regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau - CD46.R11
- Salary of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau - CD46.R12
- Regional Strategy for Tuberculosis Control for 2005-2015 - CD46.R13
- Malaria and the Internationally Agreed-Upon Development Goals, Including Those Contained in the Millennium Declaration - CD46.R14
- Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and Disaster Preparedness in the Region of the Americas - CD46.R15
- Regional Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS/STI, 2006-2015, of the Pan American Health Organization - CD46.R16
- Proposed PAHO Gender Equality Policy
- Regional Declaration on the New Orientations for Primary Health Care
- CD46/SR/1
- First Session, Monday, 26 September 2005 - CD46/SR/2
- Second Session, Monday, 26 September 2005 - CD46/SR/3
- Third Session, Tuesday, 27 September 2005 - CD46/SR/4
- Fourth Sesion, Tuesday, 27 September 2005 - CD46/SR/5
- Fifth Sesion, Wednesday, 28 September 2005 - CD46/SR/6
- Sixth Sesion, Wednesday, 28 September 2005 - CD46/SR/7
- Seventh Sesion, Thursday, 29 September 2005 - CD46/SR/8
- Eighth Sesion, Thursday, 29 September 2005 - CD46/SR/9
- Ninth Sesion, Friday, 30 September 2005
- CD46/FR
- Final Report