Regional Meeting of Tuberculosis Programs and Laboratories Managers of the Americas. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (October 10-12, 2023)


Innovation to accelerate progress towards the elimination of tuberculosis in the Americas. 
Translating commitments into action


Reaffirm commitment to the new political declaration of the United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB in the region and plan its implementation to accelerate progress towards elimination. For it:

  • Discuss and agree on priority strategic lines including implementing the multisectoral accountability framework and the participation of civil society, and next steps in the region to consolidate the implementation of the End TB Strategy and accelerate progress towards elimination. 
  • Analyze opportunities and challenges and share experiences on implementing technological and innovative tools and more efficient, integrated, and TB-centred service delivery models. 


  • National Tuberculosis Control Program Managers in the Americas
  • Supranational and national tuberculosis laboratory managers
  • Representatives of subnational integration mechanisms
  • Representatives of the TB Parliamentary Front of the Americas
  • Representatives of civil society
  • Regional experts and members of PAHO's technical advisory group for TB and members of the Regional Green Light Committee
  • PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centers
  • Representatives of technical and financial partners
  • PAHO/WHO Advisors 


(Brazil Time)

08:30 – 09:00     Inauguration.
National authorities, PAHO/WHO, Civil Society

09:00 – 09:30     Objectives and introduction of participants
Pedro Avedillo, PAHO

Section 1. Political commitment towards TB elimination in the Americas 
Moderators: Miguel Ángel Aragón y Ruben Mayorga

09:30 – 10:00     High-Level Meeting and Political Declaration 2023 Commitments
Ines Garcia, WHO

10:00 – 10:30     Progress and priorities in the Americas towards the End of TB
Pedro Avedillo, PAHO

10:30 – 11:00     Coffee break

11:00 – 13:15      Political commitment as a catalyst to achieve the goals of the 2023 Political Declaration. Country and partner perspectives.

Panel 1. Country presentations. National TB Programs (10’ ea.)

  • Brazil. Fernanda Dockhorn
  • Argentina. Marcela Natiello
  • Ecuador. Vladimir Diaz

Panel 2. Discussion with partners:
Alejandra Acuña, Lourdes Kusunoki, Luis Gallo, Alberto Colorado, Giulia Perrone

  • Subregional integration mechanisms
    • ORAS
  • TB Parliamentary Front of the Americas
  • Representatives of civil society
  • Clobal Fund


13:15 – 14:15     Lunch

Section 2. Using strategic information for decision-making towards the end of TB. 
Moderator: Kleydson Alves and Elizabeth Rodriguez

14:15 – 14:30     Introduction: strategic elements to strengthen TB information systems in the region.
Francisco Leon, PAHO

14:30 – 14:55     Situation of TB information systems in the region: EPI-Review results and analysis of laboratory information systems
Juan Carlos Bossio 
Juan Jose Victoria

14:55 – 15:35     Tools for data visualization and analysis
Peter Nguhiu, WHO  
Francisco Leon, PAHO

15:35 – 16:00     Tool for costing National TB Strategic Plans and estimating the impact of interventions
Ines Garcia, WHO

16:00– 16:20    Coffee Break 

16:20– 17:30     Country work

  • Surveillance systems and use of information for prioritization of interventions in country planning
  • Multisectoral accountability framework

Brazil Time

Section 3: Innovation to accelerate targeted TB screening and TB preventive treatment 
Moderators: Celia Martinez and Marcelo Vila

08:30 – 08:40     Introduction: Accelerate the expansion of case finding and TPT in vulnerable populations and most affected geographic areas using new technologies and innovation.
Belkys Marcelino, PAHO

08:40 – 09:10    WHO recommendations for targeted TB screening and TB preventive treatment
Dennis Falzon, WHO

09:10 – 09:40    Digital radiography and computer-aided detection (CAD) to expand targeted active case finding.
Zhi Zhen Qin/Jacob Creswell, Stop TB Partnership

9:40 – 10:15    Questions and discussion

10:15– 10:35    Coffee Break

10:35– 11:30     Experiences in the implementation of digital radiography and computer-aided detection (CAD) and TB Preventive Treatment 
Leonid Lecca-Sarita Aguirre 
Fernanda Dockhorn 
Gabriela Amaya

  • Targeted TB screening: Peru and Paraguay
  • TPT: Brazil and Uruguay

11:30– 13:00     Group work. Challenges and opportunities for the expansion of targeted active case finding and TPT.
13:00 – 14:00     Lunch

Section 4: Expansion of rapid molecular tests and integration of laboratory networks 
Moderators: Ernesto Montoro and Armando Martinez

14:00 – 14:10     Situation of rapid diagnosis in the Americas
Ernesto Montoro

14:10 – 14:30     Universal access to rapid TB diagnosis. WHO guides and standards.
Claudia Llerena

14:30 – 15:00     Main obstacles in compliance with the diagnostic algorithms recommended by WHO
Fabiola Arias

15:00 – 16:00    Planning for universal access to rapid molecular testing. Country experience:
Ernesto Montoro

  • Chile
  • Paraguay
  • Uruguay    

16:00– 17:30     Group work. Gaps and solutions; roadmap and commitments towards the universalization of rapid molecular testing

(Brazil Time)

Section 5. Treatment: Innovation, accelerated implementation of shortened regimens, and person-centered care 
Moderators: Oscar Cruz and Karen Rivas

08:30 - 08:50     Introduction: Status of adoption and expansion of the latest WHO recommendations on treatment to accelerate national responses towards elimination in the Americas.
Francisco Leon, PAHO

08:50 – 09:40     Shortened treatment regimens

09:40 – 10:10    Country experience in the implementation of shortened schemes

  • Dominican Republic. Clara de la Cruz
  • Ecuador. Vladimir Diaz
  • Panama. Edwin Aizpurua

10:10 – 10:30    Coffee Break

10:30 – 10:50      PAHO Strategic Fund
Nora Giron, PAHO

10:50 – 11:20    Questions and discussion

11:20 – 12:00    Person-centered care to improve treatment adherence: improving adherence, and life quality during and after treatment
Ernesto Jaramillo, WHO

  • Digital Adhesion Technologies
  • Community Support
  • Addressing comorbidities (NCDs, mental health)
  • Social Support
  • Post-TB disability   

12:00– 13:00    Experiences in treatment with support focused on the needs of people with TB

  • Haiti (VST in prisons). Edwin Prophete
  • Uruguay (VST). Gabriela Amaya
  • Peru (VST, mental health). Antonieta Alarcon
  • Dominican Republic (DOT, Mental Health and social protection). Clara de la Cruz
  • Nicaragua (community support). Arelisabel Ruiz

Questions and discussion

13:00 – 14:00    Lunch

14:00 – 15:00    Experiences in treatment with support focused on the needs of people with TB (continuation)

  • Colombia (community support in MDR-TB). Karen Rivas
  • Argentina (Casa Masantonio). Santiago Jimenez
  • Brazil (social protection, homeless people). Fernanda Dockhorn

15:00 – 16:30    Group work. Commitment to the implementation of shortened regimens and people-centered care

16:30-17:00     Agreements
Closing of the meeting, PAHO 

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