Cooperation Among Countries for Health Development (CCHD)

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) promotes South-South and Triangular cooperation (SSC and TrC) as viable, effective, and sustainable tools for health development and advancing the implementation of the SDGs, through a renewed Policy on Cooperation among Countries for Health Development (CCHD).

The renewed CCHD policy emphasizes that cooperation among countries and horizontal partnerships are dynamic processes and arrangements that do not have a predefined structure; they are flexible and adaptable to the particular challenges and political frameworks of the countries involved. They can be bilateral (between two countries), triangular (between two countries with financial or other support from a third source, either another country or an international cooperation partner), or consist of a collaborative network that brings many countries and actors together towards a shared goal. Such cooperation can strengthen and accelerate health development at all levels and across all regions.

CCHD in the Americas
  • Health can bring countries and partners together around shared values and common problems, to reach much-needed public health solutions.
  • Cooperation among countries and horizontal partnerships optimize existing health capacities and encourage the sharing of knowledge and know-how between partners.
  • Cooperation among countries and horizontal partnerships can also be used to tackle equity issues and asymmetries within and among countries.
  • At the national level, cooperation among countries can create momentum for change and contribute to national health policy dialogue.
  • Results can be multiplied through intercountry exchanges, which then have the potential to impact subregional and regional integration processes, as well as global health policy debates.

Building on its years of experience facilitating and fostering technical cooperation among countries, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO),

  • Convenes and advocates, fostering cooperation among countries in the Americas, including cooperation with countries in other regions.
  • Acts as a broker, promoting and supporting knowledge and information sharing and exchange of evidence-based good practices among countries, regionally, but also globally.
  • Promotes and builds partnerships and networks to address shared health issues both within and across regions. It also mobilizes resources to facilitate engagement in such exchanges.
Mandates and Policy
decoration banner featuring governing bodies conference room

PAHO Member States have given the Organization the mandate to promote and support cooperation among countries through the adoption of a resolution and a renewed policy on CCHD, adopted in 2013.

Other resources: 

CCHD Implementation
decoration banner woman smiling selling fruit

In response to the mandates given from PAHO Member States to the Organization, every two years a report is presented to Member States on the progress made on the implementation of the Resolution CD52.R15 (2013). The progress reports are available here:

In 2017, the PAHO CCHD Funding Mechanism was established. The CCHD Funding Mechanism intends to foster greater cooperation between PAHO’s Member States where two or more countries agree that collaboration is the most efficient and effective way to meet their needs. It can also support multi-party projects, including subregional integration entities. The CCHD Funding Mechanism intends to provide “seed funding” that may be leveraged to facilitate the mobilization of additional resources to promote health and encourage partnerships between Member States, as well as other stakeholders. It supports the implementation of innovative, effective, and sustainable initiatives/interventions that could have a demonstrable impact on the health situation in countries.

Projects financed by the CCHD Funding Mechanism.

CCHD GOOD PRACTICES in Health and its Determinants

Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goal on Good Health and Well-being (UNOSSC, UNFPA, UNICEF and PAHO/WHO)

The publication “Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goal on Good Health and Well-being”, is the result of a joint collaboration between UNOSSC, PAHO/WHO, UNFPA and UNICEF, and includes a series of good practices showcasing the role of South-South and Triangular cooperation on the implementation of SDG3.

Spotlighting the Innovative Experiences of Cities in Action for COVID-19 Responses (UNOSSC-UNDRR)

The publication “Spotlighting the Innovative Experiences of Cities in Action for COVID-19 Responses”, is a collaborative effort between the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) and the United Nations Office for Disaster and Risk Reduction (UNDRR), with the support of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO). It includes a series of good practices on the responses from the local level to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development – Vol. 4 (2022)

The publication “Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development” is periodically produced by the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). It showcases good practices contributed by several partners, including PAHO/WHO on how SSC and TrC contributes to accelerating progress towards achieving the SDGs. This Volume 4, launched in 2022, showcases 132 good practices.

Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation in LDCs: From the Istanbul Programme of Action to Achieving Sustainable and Resilient Development (UNOSSC/UNDP, UNCDF, UNOHRLLS)

The publication has been produced by the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and the United Nations Office of the High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS (UN-OHRLLS), in partnership with the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD). It includes 80 good practices contributed by several partners.

South-South Galaxy
South-South Galaxy Logo

The knowledge sharing platform ‘South-South Galaxy”, managed by UNOSSC, allows partners to share innovative initiatives on SSC and TrC, including on health.

PAHO contributes regularly to the platform documenting and sharing PAHO supported initiatives.



Mandates and Strategies