"Stronger Together" is a public awareness media campaign promoting mental health and psychosocial support. Produced by PAHO/ WHO and the Caribbean Development Bank, it promotes mental well-being and positive strategies for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic and hurricane season. Although the preliminary version was created and launched in 2019, it was updated in a second version in 2020 to include specific elements for pandemic response. The campaign offers practical tools for dealing positively with stress and crises, emphasizes the importance of reducing the stigma surrounding the search for mental health and psychosocial support, and disseminates information on the basic principles of psychological first aid (PFA).
The media campaign was part of the project "Building Individual and Social Resilience to Cope with the Impacts of Natural Hazard Events: building capacity for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in disaster management in the Caribbean". This two-year project also included regional capacity-building in mental health within the framework of disaster management in the Caribbean; the strengthening of country competencies in needs assessment and the development of action plans; training for journalists and health communicators; and other activities.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our lives in ways that are unprecedented, engendering fear, depression, anxiety, and apprehension. These effects are likely to be amplified as countries enter the hurricane season. We appreciate this partnership with the CDB to launch the Stronger Together Campaign, whose purpose is to build resilience and help people stay calm, connected, safe, and hopeful," said Jessie Schutt-Aine, former Subregional Program Coordinator of PAHO-Caribbean at the launch of the campaign.
The campaign includes an illustrated book- let on psychological first aid; video and radio public service announcements; video testimonials; and a radio jingle. "Stronger Together" focuses particularly on vulnerable people such as children, adolescents, women, older persons, and persons with disabilities.
It employs a gender-sensitive approach and covers topics related to the different roles of men and women in the family and community, the potential increase in gender violence in the wake of disasters, and gender disparities in access to health services.
In this edition
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of the population
The mental health of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Psychological first aid, key to coping with Tropical Storm ETA and Hurricane IOTA in Honduras
Coordination in mental health: a priority in emergencies
Strengthening the mental health response and psychosocial support in the COVID-19 pandemic
Launch of the “Mental Health Now - Share Your Story” campaign
Stronger Together Campaign 2020
Mental health literacy is the way forward, say Jamaican educators
The mental health response to COVID-19 Case of the British Virgin Islands
Caribbean countries receive training to improve coordination in mental health during emergencies
Alcohol, tobacco, and other substances in the COVID-19 pandemic