Disasters Newsletter N.131.- PAHO participation in the VII Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean (PR21)

PAHO participation in the VII Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean (PR21), November 1-4, 2021


In the past 20 years, one out of four disasters the Caribbean, resulting in 289,055 deaths and esti- mated losses of more than US$1.2 trillion to more than 276 million people.

The Regional Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction are essential for determining whether the implementation of disaster risk reduction strategies is aligned with the Sendai Framework. In these meetings, the progress in identifying gaps and priorities is reviewed and recommendations are issued for the development of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, which next edition will be held in May 2022.

The framework for PAHO participation in the VII Regional Platform is, among other mandates and strategies, the Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction 2016-2021, approved during the 55th Directing Council of PAHO. This Plan of Action provides an operational framework to guide Member States in the implementation of disaster risk reduction activities in the health sector.

As follow-up to the Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction 2016-2021, and in preparation for the VII Regional Platform, PAHO’s Department of Health Emergencies held a technical meeting with 24 countries on 12 August 2021. The findings and agreements that emerged from this meeting will inform PAHO participation in the VII Platform with regard to monitoring achievement of Sendai Framework targets, and challenges and opportunities in Reduction in the Americas.

PAHO will participate in the following sessions of the VII Platform, whose theme in 2021 is: Building Resilient Economies in the Americas and the Caribbean.


newsletter homepage

  • Americas & Caribbean: the resilience-building challenge for the next decades, UNDRR/CDEMA/EPAL/OPS/CEPREDENAC. Monday, 1 November.

  • Social protection and inclusion to strengthen community resilience, IFRC/ GNDR/PAHO/ECLAC. Wednesday, 3 November.

  • Enhancing resilient infrastructure, PAHO/UNOPS - WB/UNDRR. Monday, 1 November.

  • Local governments, environmental management, and disaster risk reduction: addressing multiple hazards and supporting the most at risk, Government of Jamaica/CDEMA/Colombia/PAHO/UN Environment. Wednesday, 3 November.

  • A regional approach to coordination on multi-hazards: 2020 lessons from the Caribbean, CDEMA/UWI/Government of Jamaica/PAHO/UNDP/ECLAC. Tuesday, 2 November.
  • Early warning systems: Improving the integration of hydrometric services and of national and regional DRR offices to develop effective multi-hazard early warning systems, CREWS/CDEMA/Cuba - WMO - PAHO ‒ UNDP. Wednesday 3 November.
  • Developing Resilient Cities: the urban challenge MCR2030/PAHO. Monday, 1 November

For more information on the VII Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, visit