The Network of Arbovirus Diagnostic Laboratories of the Americas began as the Dengue Laboratory Network of the Americas in 2008. Its main objective was to strengthen scientific and technical capacities, as well as establish standardized laboratory protocols for dengue diagnosis. This approach included the implementation of an action framework in participating countries to introduce a regional research agenda and a quality management system in the involved laboratories. Furthermore, it sought to integrate the available scientific and technical capacities in the region to ensure a timely response to dengue outbreaks, epidemics, and regional contingencies.
This year marks the 15th anniversary of the activities of the Network of Arbovirus Diagnostic Laboratories of the Americas. During this period, the region has witnessed significant advancements in surveillance, response, and control of arbovirus-related diseases. Given the epidemiological situation in the Americas, with the introduction of chikungunya since 2013 and Zika since 2015, along with the ongoing challenge presented by dengue, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and other arboviruses, there is a need to expand the network beyond dengue. The continuous strengthening of the Network will allow for addressing the new challenges posed by these arboviruses, as well as others that may be imported or emerge in the future.
This new focus of the laboratory network has been developed to address the introduction and re-emergence of arboviral diseases such as chikungunya, Zika, and West Nile virus, which are currently circulating in the region alongside dengue. The main objective of the network is to ensure efficient laboratory surveillance and a robust capacity to respond to outbreaks and epidemics.
In 2016, the CD 55.R6 resolution "Strategy for Arboviral Disease Prevention and Control" was approved by the Directing Council as an instrument to operationalize technical cooperation on arboviruses. The Arbovirus EGI has four strategic lines of action, with Line of Action 3 corresponding to RELDA as the operational arm of the laboratory component of this strategy.
Here, you will find detailed information about the network's activities, as well as its main objectives and achievements. Valuable resources are also shared, such as updated detection guidelines and methodologies, as well as a platform for Genomic Surveillance of Arboviruses (ViGenDa) and Entomo-virological Laboratory Network (RELEVA).
- NEW Technical note: Detection and differentiation of dengue virus in the context of dengue vaccine administration - PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization (December 2024)
- Laboratory Guidelines for the Detection and Diagnosis of Western Equine Encephalitis Virus Human Infection- December 2023
- Technical note Algorithm for laboratory confirmation of dengue cases - December 2023
- Course on Quality Management and Good Laboratory Practices for Arboviruses (2019) Only in spanish
- Laboratory Diagnosis of Yellow Fever Virus infection (September 2018)
- Guidelines for Surveillance of Zika Virus Disease and Its Complications. (2018 edition)
- Dengue: guidelines for patient care in the Region of the Americas. (2. ed.; 2016)
- Preparedness and Response for Introduction of Chikungunya in the Americas (2011)
- Dengue: Guidelines for Patient Care in the Region of the Americas (2010)
- Real-time RT-PCR (TaqMan™) protocol - Yellow fever virus (YFV)
- Real-time RT-PCR (TaqManTM) protocol - Mayaro virus (MAYV)
- Real-time RT-PCR (TaqMan™) protocolo - Zika virus (ZIKV)
- Real-time RT-PCR protocol - Mayaro (MAYV) and Oropouche virus (OROV) duplex
- CDC DENV 1-4 Real Time RT-PCR Assay for Detection and Serotype Identification of Dengue Virus
- Trioplex Real-time RT-PCR Assay
Name of the Laboratory: Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Virales Humanas (INEVH)
Address: Monteagudo 2510, 2700 - Pergamino, Argentina.
Contact: Dra. Maria Alejandra Morales
Director of INEVH: Dra. Delia Enria
Name of Laboratory: Centro Nacional de Enfermedades Tropicales (CENETROP)
Address: Av 26 de Febrero Esq. Av Centenario, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Contact: Roxana Loayza
Director of CENETROP: Dra. Yelin Roca Sanchez
Para, Brazil:
Name of Laboratory: Instituto Evandro Chagas
Address: Rodovia BR-316 km 7 s/n - Levilândia - 67030-000 - Ananindeua, Pará, Brasil
Contact: Dr. Pedro Vasconcelos
Recife, Brazil
Name of the Laboratory: Fiocruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Address: Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhães, Av. Moraes Rego S/N, Campus da UFPE, Cidade Universitária, Recife-PE, Brasil, CEP: 50740-465
Contact: Dr Rafael Freitas de Oliveira França
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Name of the Laboratory: Fiocruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Address: Av. Brasil - 4365 Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil CEP 22061-040 (Pav. Helio & Peggy Pereira - 1 andar)
Contact: Dra. Ana Bispo de Filippis
Paraná, Brazil
Name of the Laboratory: Fiocruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Carlos Chagas Institute)
Address: Rua Professor Algacyr Munhoz Mader 3.775 - CIC, Curitiba, PR, CEP 81.350-010 (Tecpar campus)
Contact: Dra Claudia Dos Santos
São Paulo, Brazil
Name of the Laboratory: Instituto Adolfo Lutz
Address: Núcleo de Doenças de Transmissão Vetorial, Centro de Virologia - Instituto Adolfo Lutz, Av.Dr.Arnaldo 355, São Paulo,SP, Brasil, CEP: 01246-000
Contact: Dr. Renato Pereira de Souza (Investigador Científico V, Director Técnico)
Name of the Laboratory: Instituto de Salud Publica (ISP)
Address: Av. Marathon 1000, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Casilla 48 Correo Central, Código Postal 7780050
Contact: Sr. Elizar Villagra
Name of the Laboratory: Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS)
Address: Avenida calle 26 No. 51-20 - Zona 6 CAN. Bogotá, D.C
Contact: Lissethe Carolina Pardo Herrera
Costa Rica
Name of the Laboratory: Instituto Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza en Nutrición y Salud (INCIENSA)
Address: Apartado 4-2250, Tres Ríos, Cartago, Costa Rica
Contact: Dra. Elizabeth Saenz
Name of the Laboratory: Instituto Pedro Kourí (IPK)
Address: Autopista Novia del Mediodía, KM 6 1/2, La Lisa, La Habana, 11400, Cuba
Contact: Dra. Maria Guadalupe Guzman
General Director: Dr. Jorge Pérez Avila
Dominican Republic
Name of Laboratory: Laboratorio de Virología del Laboratorio Nacional de Salud Pública Dr. Defilló (LNSPDD)
Address: Santo Tomas de Aquino 1, Cuidad Universitaria, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana, Zip 10105
Contact: Raquel Pimentel
Name of Laboratory: Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Salud Pública (INSPI)
Address: Julián Coronel 905 entre Esmeraldas y José Mascote, Código postal 090514
Contact: Dra. Mary Regato
El Salvador
Name of Laboratory: Laboratorio Central Dr. Max Bloch
Address: Alameda Roosevelt, Edificio Max Bloch, contiguo a Hospital Rosales, San Salvador, El Salvador C.A.
Contact: Monica Barahona
Name of Laboratory: Laboratorio Nacional de Salud (LNS)
Adddress: Km. 22 carretera al Pacífico, Barcena, Villa Nueva, Guatemala C.A
Contact: Leticia Del Carmen Castillo Signor
Guayana Francesa
Name of Laboratory: Institute Pasteur
Address: 23 Avenue Pasteur, BP 6010, 97306 Cayenne Cedex
Contact: Dominique Rousset, MD, PhD
Name of Laboratory: Laboratoire National de Santé Publique
Address: 2, rue Chardonnieres, Delmas 33, A cote de l'Hopital La Paix, Port au Prince, Haiti
Contact: Dr. Ito Journel
Name of Laboratory: Laboratorio Nacional de Vigilancia de la Salud (LNVS)
Address: Colonia La Campaña, Primera entrada Contigua al portón de maternidad del Hospital General San Felipe, Tegucigalpa Honduras Centro América
Contact: Dra. Sofia Carolina Alvarado
Chief of the Virology Laboratory: Dra. Dina Jeaneth Castro
Name of the Laboratory: Arbovirus Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of West Indies
Address: The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica, West Indies
Contact: Dr. Ivan Vickers
Name of the Laboratory: Instituto de Diagnóstico y Referencia Epidemiológicos (InDRE)
Address: Francisco de P. Miranda #177, Col. Unidad Lomas de Plateros Deleg. Álvaro Obregón
Ciudad de México CP. 01480
Contact: Mauricio Vazquez Pichardo (Chief of the Arbovirus and Hemorragic Virus Laboratory); Belen Torres
Name of the Laboratory: Centro Nacional de Diagnostico y Referencia, Departamento de Virología (CNDR)
Address: Costado Oeste Colonia Primero de Mayo. Managua, Nicaragua Sector Postal: 15AB, Apartado Postal:107
Contact: Dr. Angel Balmaseda
Name of the Laboratory: Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud (ICGES)
Address: Avenida Justo Arosemena y Calle 35 Apartado Postal No. 0816-02593
Panamá, República de Panamá
Contact: Brechla Moreno
Name of the Laboratory: Laboratorio Central de Salud Pública (LCSP)
Address: Avenida Venezuela y Tte. Escurra, Asunción, Paraguay
Contact: Cynthia Vazquez
Name of the Laboratory: Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS)
Address: Av. Defensores del Morro 2268 (Ex Huaylas) Chorrillos, Lima 9
Contact: María Paquita García Mendoza
Puerto Rico, United States
Name of the Laboratory: CDC - Puerto Rico
Address: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dengue Branch, 1324 Calle Cañada, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00920-3860
Contact: Dr. Jorge Muñoz
Name of the Laboratory: Academic Hospital Paramaribo
Address: Flustreet 1, Paramaribo, Suriname
Contact: Jimmy Roosblad
Trinidad and Tobago
Name of the Laboratory: Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)
Address: 16-18 Jamaica Blvd, Federation Park, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Contact: Dra. Arlene Darmanie
Name of the Laboratory: Departamento de Laboratorio de Salud Pública (DLSP)
Address: Avda. Alfredo Navarro 3051, acceso Norte, CP 11600, Montevideo - Uruguay
Contact: Dr. Hector Chiparelli
Colorado, United States
Name of the Laboratory: CDC- Fort Collins
Address: Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, 3150 Rampart Road (CSU Foothills Campus), Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Contact: Dr. Robert Lanciotti
Nombre del Laboratorio: Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel (INHRR)
Dirección: Ciudad Universitaria UCV, Los Chaguaramos, Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Cod. 1041.
Referente: Julio Zambrano
15th Annual Meeting - RELDA
25, 26 & 27 March, 2025 - Managua, Nicaragua
More information PRESS RELEASE
This publication provides technical recommendations for public health laboratories involved in the diagnosis and surveillance of arboviruses. It includes the most useful types of samples for diagnosing infections, lists the minimum clinical data sets for labeling and analyzing samples, and describes best practices for sample processing and handling, along with recommended workflows and biosafety considerations. (only available in Spanish).